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To The Pure Rivers of Living Water Ministries

Our Ministry

The Pure Rivers of Living Water Ministries, INC, is an international evangelistic ministry registered as a Christian Non-Profit organization, based in the state of Texas, within the United States of America. As part of the broader Church (Body of Christ), and in this organization, we believe that we are each called to go outside of the four walls of the Church, and take the gospel of Jesus Christ to the streets, the highways and byways, cities and villages, and to the nations. The Pure Rivers of Living Water Ministries goes out to different ethnos such both private and public institutions, to preach the gospel. We partner with churches both local and international to preach the gospel of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Our outreach includes government, schools, healthcare institutions, in the city of Lubbock, the state of Texas, and within the U.S.A as a nation, as well as the nations of the world, to bring souls to the Kingdom of God from all corners of the world. We recognize our mandate under the Lord's great commission, to be the salt and light of the world.

Vision: To Participate in the end time harvest of souls through evangelism to the nations, by preaching, teaching the Word of God and discipling nations, as we minister to the Lord through Prayer and intercession on behalf of nations, worship, Praise, and supplying the needs of the people, demonstrating the love and teaching of Jesus Christ, with the visible manifestation of the Power of God by the Holy Spirit, through healing, deliverance, miracles, signs, and wonders. This in line with the great commission of Matthew 28:18-20, Mark 16:15-20, Matthew 10:7-8, John 14:12-14.  

                                                                                                                                                                                                            Mission:  To take the supernatural power of God to nations through outreach, by teaching, training, and equipping Church ministries, in the Fivefold ministry gifts, and to engage both private and public institutions, in Education, Healthcare, and Business and others, to apply Kingdom principles, as we minister the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Vision & Mission

Specific Goals & Objectives

 1. Outreach to other likeminded Christian Ministries and churches in the world to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ, and take the supernatural power of God to nations by healing the sick, deliverance, including among others providing financial assistance to start up churches and ministries in the world. 

โ€‹2. Provide emergency relief internationally in case of disaster, hurricanes, earthquakes, floods etc, in form of prayer, clothing, food and other care. 

3. Assist in providing Holy Spirit led divine spiritual counsel, direction and

 care in the following areas of:


..."If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink.  He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.”... John 7:37-38


๐Ÿ”ด LIVE Sunday English Service || Pr Edward F. Ssentongo || USA

๐Ÿ”ด LIVE  Sunday  English  Service ||  Pr Edward F. Ssentongo || USA
๐Ÿ”ด LIVE  Sunday  English  Service ||  Pr Edward F. Ssentongo || USA
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๐Ÿ”ด LIVE Sunday English Service || Pr Edward F. Ssentongo || USA

Website Video: The Pure Rivers of Living Water Ministries
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Website Video: The Pure Rivers of Living Water Ministries

Spiritual Warfare; Kingdom of God vs Kingdom of Satan- NO COPYRIGHTS TO MUSIC IN VIDEO
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Spiritual Warfare; Kingdom of God vs Kingdom of Satan- NO COPYRIGHTS TO MUSIC IN VIDEO

Preacher of the Gospel of Jesus Christ  
Edward Ssentongo


Thank you So Much

For Choosing to Support Our Ministries

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